Romantic Things

Romance for busy people

Simon Davison and Suzanne Davison Season 1 Episode 3

Simon and Suzanne discuss how busy people can get romantic, Simon creeps out Suzanne, and four of the five Romantic Things for this episode are zero cost, zero effort 'Perfect Things.' 

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In this episode, we cover romance for busy people and we have four perfect things to discuss from Simon's five romantic things. Hi, this is the romantic things podcast. I'm Simon Davison, and this is my wife, Suzanne.


Hi, everyone. Welcome back.


All right, so Suzanne, I have a question for you. What


Reason I have an answer for you?<laugh>


Thank you. So what reason is often given for not making any romantic gestures,


One answer, or can I give many answers?


You can give as many answers as you


Like. Okay. Probably the biggest one is they don't have time. Another is they can't think of anything to do. Um, another might be, they don't think they need to do it.<laugh> um, I'm sure there's lots of reasons why people are not romantic.


There are. Um, but you, you actually got the, the number one answer, correct? The answer is being busy


So I can see


That for sure. Um, in fact, it's the vast majority of people say that busy is the reason that they're not able to be romantic with their partners.


Well, and they just probably can't think of anything.


Yeah, exactly. So what I wanted to do is cover some of the things which, uh, I think, uh, busy people can do to increase the romance in their life. Um, and these aren't particularly big or difficult things. These are what, uh, we've referred to in the past as perfect things. These are zero cost and zero effort.


Oh, okay. Zero cost, zero effort.


Exactly. A couple of them we've already discussed, um, in past episodes. Uh, you might remember that one of the, uh, things you can do is leave love notes around the house or in luggage or in drawers or wherever for your partner to discover. Um, that's a very effective, uh, gesture that you can make for your partner. The other one, the one that I've been doing for a long time now is kissing my partner's hand every day. Uh,


And again, we discussed every day is probably a little too much


<laugh> I don't know. I, uh, I think if people are gonna do it, dedicate man, do it, do it daily. What's what's every other day that doesn't make any sense, not do it every day. Um,<laugh> then you've also got things like, um, letting your partner enter the room first, which is a very subtle thing to do, but can allow your partner to be the person that gets to rapture and enjoy from coming into the room. First, when they're welcomed by the people that are already there, it's a small thing. They might never notice this gesture, but it's a nice thing to do. Um, that doesn't cost you anything. Again, this is free zero effort, but just let your partner into the room first. So they get the attention first. Right? Other than you getting the attention, then obviously, uh, it's classic, just holding hands in public. Um, it's something that some people have a hard time doing. Let's be fair. There's


Public displays of affection. Yeah. Well


The, yes, there's that, but then there's also the, how cotton cold is it outside? Is my hand cotton cold. Am I clammy? Am I gonna make my partner's hand hard? Cause I know holding hands with you. You've thrown my hands away because my I've made you hot so,


Well, I guess I haven't really thought about that, but I guess if that goes through your head<laugh> before you hold my hand that's interest<laugh> well,


I, I do, I, I, I wanna know if it's, if you actually want me to hold your hand or not, if it's too hot for me to be holding your


Hand, I think just the gesture is if it, if you<laugh>, you can hold hands anytime.


Oh, okay. All right. Um, and then we'll, we'll move into the first romantic thing that I did for you. Um, in this, for this week's episode is whisper sweet. Nothing's in your partner's ear, which is again, free zero effort. I'll be honest. I had a hard time doing this one.


<laugh> well, it was also more like a affirmation, not a sweet nothing.<laugh>


Wow. I didn't know what to say. I what I, I, I,


I love you, babe. Would've been a good,


I did say I love


You. You did. But you also said you're amazing and I love you or something.


I know. So let's wrong with that. I build you up and I tell you that I love you.


<laugh> true. True. And you did it while I was working and that it was unexpected. Yeah,


Exactly. So you obviously recognized that I was doing it.


Yeah. It kind of creep me out a little bit. Yeah.<laugh> I was like, what are you doing now? I'm sure that's not the normal effect that you, but


No. Uh, so yeah, creeping you out was not what I was going for.<laugh>


It was unexpected. So, and you had never done that before, so it, that definitely. I recognized it.


Okay. So this is interesting. So do, do you think I need to build up into whispering sweet nothing's in your air rather than going for like five or six in, in like a 24 hour period?


<laugh> um, no, I think it was, it was nice. Thank you, babe.


<laugh> okay. Right. Well, uh, uh, I'll, I'll be, I'll be a little bit more suspicious when it comes to whispering sweet nothings.


<laugh> well, maybe don't what scare me, like behind me. Yeah. Well,


I have to, has to be for about, of nowhere kind of thing. Cause otherwise there's the leaning towards you slowly,


Which is okay. Cuz then I would know you were coming towards me to try to say something.


All right. So let's move on to number two. Um, which is actually more information for me as the user, rather for you to partner. Um, and the information is, uh, the secret to a long term relationship, which basically covers the center for mental wellness, lays out the findings, um, from the college of health and human development at Penn state. And they discovered after a lot of research that the trick a long term relationship is regular gestures of love for your partner. So rather than big gestures on special


Occasions, little tiny moments. So like your perfect things, right? The ones that don't cost me things, the ones that are free to do. Yep.


Those, I think it just they're they're put is just as long as there's a daily touch with your partner, that's affectionate is ultimately what's gonna aid your relationship the best, which is important information for me to be aware of. So, um, so yeah, so that was, that was, uh, good, but uh, nothing you need to be aware of per se. Uh,




Again, I guess I could have told you, but,


Uh, yeah, but it's just a good understanding that you daily or regular acts of romance, right. Is a good indicator of a long term relationship.


Yeah, exactly. So for number three<affirmative> it was a, a romantic quote, um, that the app surfaced up, uh, a quote, uh, by somebody called Elizabeth Barrett brownie again, uh, this is a zero, uh, zero cost zero effort.


And I really like this one, cause this was, uh, of character for you. Uh,


Yeah, but the,


Are you gonna read it? Cause I think everybody should know.


Yeah, I'm, I'm I'm gonna do my best. I liked it because it portrayed how I felt. So for me it was, it was pretty, it, it was pretty on point for how I felt. So I that's one of the reasons I liked it so much. Um, but the quote is I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you. I love you. Not only for what you have made yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love the part of me that you bring out.




I, I think that's, uh, how better, how better to say that. That's just great.


And that, that was my favorite did not creep me out and was my favorite this week.<laugh>


I'm glad you like that one again for, for the quotes. I think it's up to the person read whether or not they want to share it with the person that they're with or whether or not they're just want to absorb it themselves kind of thing. Yeah. Um, but in this case I definitely felt there was a, a reason to share.


So are there more than one quote in there or is it they go out and find a quote that reminds them of their partner, like in the app? Does it serve up a quote for you or


So, so amongst all of the different romantic things that you can receive, we have a collection of 10 or 12 romantic quotes. Yeah. From specific people, mark Twain, um, Elizabeth Browning, um, and other authors and fame, most people, these courts, all about romance and love. Oh, okay. Yeah, exactly. So number four, um, again is a zero effort and zero cost thing. And it's a question where we have a, getting to know you better series of questions, where you ask questions that you might not have asked your partner up until now. Um, and for this particular one, the question was, um, what pets have you had in your life for me? Which


Is, yeah. I don't think we've ever,




We've never talked about any of my pets that we've had.


Yeah. We've talked about mine just cuz I've had so many


Thousands of


Them.<laugh> your, your cat's Tay or


No, I had


Your dog Tay and Alex, right?


Yep. Alec was a Cocker span and then




Tasha. Yeah. The cat, the cat. Yeah. That


You didn't like so


Much. Who was the Simon had attacked me when I was little<laugh>


Yeah, this was, I remember cuz when, when I wanted to get, get a cat, you were all like, I hate cats


<laugh> I did at the time and now I love cats.


Yeah, exactly. You, you came around pretty quickly. Yeah.


<laugh> But it was, I mean, yeah. Cuz we were in the car and you were like, Hey, you know, it was a random question out of no where, but now you know more about me and you took the time to learn something new. Yeah,


Absolutely. Uh, and it was, it was interesting. So it was, it was a nice question. I, I like that one. So number five, why your partner is working, send them a message, letting you know you are thinking of them another free zero effort


Thing. It's a text message. Yeah. Yeah. Very little effort. And you're doing it all the time. All day anyway.


Yeah. And it's easy to send a message directly from the app. It's just a case of the button and you're right there to send the message to your partner.


Yeah. Cuz I was outta town this week. Yeah. And so you sent me in the middle of my meeting. I love you. No, with a little heart mm-hmm<affirmative> outta nowhere. Didn't expect it. Nice. So that was a good one too. I, I will say though that the poem was my favorite. Oh the quote you mean the quote? Yeah. The quote was my favorite.


Okay. Well that, that answers my question. I was about to ask you what you like, what you thought of the week. Uh, the, the episodes romantic things. So the, the


Quote. So FiNet you creeping me out with your sweet little nothings in my ear. Um,<laugh> every was on par this week. My brush, my flashes. I was like, what are you doing? Okay.


Okay. All right, well, let's talk about the app status. So, uh, we've had a, a, a new build from the team. Um, it's resolved some of the problems, but we still have, uh, a few more to go. So, uh, it kind of a two steps forward, one step back process. But, um, we are definitely on a way and we're, we're hoping that we'll still be completed in the next month and a half. So fingers crossed and for now,


Well, and so the app is, uh, like a month or a year annual subscription. Right. That's what we're planning. Uh,


That's what we're planning. Yeah, I, yeah, let's talk about that. So


Nominal fee,


The plan is for, for it to offer a yearly subscription, to romantic things for 5 99 in the us market. And that'll be the first market that we release in. Yeah. It'll be a yearly subscription that auto renews, the will be a seven day free trial. Yeah,


That's right. You can check it out.


Yeah. And then you, then it auto renews after that. Um, but you can easily cancel direct from the app if


You don't want, you're never gonna cancel once you do it exactly. Once you're always gonna be romantic.


Indeed, indeed. So I think what we should do now is move on to what the, the listeners can do, which is try some of the romantic things that we've suggested. Yeah. I think the listeners should try some of our suggestions. Then give us an and we'll listen and come up with some, uh, some answers


Well, or just see how it, how it went. I would love to know, like if you leave a part or leave a note for a partner or something, you know, that we've suggested, how did they react or how did they enjoy that? We would love to know how the, you know, romantic things are working.


Yeah, absolutely. So don't forget to share if you enjoyed the show and we'll be back in the next episode


And don't forget to be romantic.

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