Romantic Things

Our failed romantic gestures

Simon Davison and Suzanne Davison Season 1 Episode 7

In this episode, Suzanne and Simon discuss their failed romantic gestures and one of this episode's romantic gestures leads them into the great outdoors.

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In this episode, we discuss our failed romantic gestures, and we spend some time in the great outdoors.


Hi, welcome to the romantic things podcast. I'm Simon Davison


And I'm Suzanne Davison.


Okay, let's start this episode off with an update on the app status. The app was submitted to apple, uh, last week and we have gotten some feedback that there are some things we need to change. Um, at the moment we've got


Yay. We got it to the apple store.


Yeah. So now we have more work to do<laugh> there's, uh, three bullet points that we need to address. We've got a good handle on two of them, but there's one, we need some feedback on apple before we can sort of move forward or come up with a game plan. I would say that just based on what we know we needed to be doing, um, we're we have at least two plus weeks of work ahead of us.


It's like the money pit. Yeah, two weeks. It's always two weeks,


Always two weeks.<laugh> um, that's how long it's been money


Pit movie, the money pit movie, by the way.


Yes. Yeah. Uh, I wish we didn't have to make those changes, but we do. So, uh, it's all for the better over the past weeks, uh, we've been giving you a breakdown of my romantic gestures towards Suzanne and minus my whispering suite, nothing skills they've done. I mean, they've been pretty successful, so I think that's fair, right?


Precious. Yeah. That was kind of creepy. Yeah.


Well did today, uh, Suzanne and I are gonna share some of our biggest romantic failures. Mm-hmm<affirmative> unfortunately, uh, these are the least successful things we did to our significant other there.


Uh, I can think of a couple that I've tried. Yeah.<laugh> do you want me to go first?


Uh, sure. Why don't you give us an example?


So I thought I was doing the most amazing thing, um, by, uh, Simon, when he became a citizen of the us, I brought him a Brightling watch. Um, and if you know those, they aren't the least expensive watches on the market. I gave it to him. I even had it engraved. Uh, it was beautiful. Uh, he wore it for a day and his arm broke out in a rash to the point where he has never, ever worn the watch again.


Yeah. I don't wear jewelry.


<laugh> I'm lucky to get that wedding ring on your finger and that's totally cuz it's like titanium or whatever. Exactly. And then you can barely feel it.


Yeah. You know, it, it was, I mean, the thing is if I were to wear a watch, it would a brightly watch it they're I,


I it's British it's yeah.


I, I don't think they're British. Oh, they are. Oh, okay. Sorry. No. Um, but they're uh, but they're very nice watches. Um, it just so happened. This one was very heavy and also broke out in a rash, which was, uh, nothing I could do. Uh, I tried a few


Few treatments with nothing. We tried changing the watch band. We tried changing everything.


Yeah. Uh,


Yeah. Yeah. Not good. Not good. All right. Then my second one, which I thought was going to be an amazing, amazing thing. I was at a street fair. Um, and there was a booth there that had art and Simon's is a, you know, being from England is a huge lover of the Beatles. And this painting was an American flag collage with the blue part of the flag, being all the faces of the Beatles. So it was like this combination of me being from, you know, the us and him being from England. And it was supposed to be this really nice blending of our two different cultures. I brought it home and,


Uh, you brought it home and then left. So<laugh> I had been invited out that particular day. I had been invited out to Laguna sec, the racetrack for, uh, a motorcycle race. And it was very hot that day. And as a result, I drank a lot. Uh, I drank throughout the day. So by the time I got home, I was, I was definitely under the influence, shall we say<laugh>? And I came home and I saw this painting. And from my perspective, I've always argued that if I could paint it, it's not art<laugh>. And in this,


It was not that bad.


And in this case, I thought that I thought the artwork I was looking at was not the greatest quality. So I immediately was like, ah, this is awful. So when Suzanne called up and asked how I, how I thought what I


Thought, I thought of what I thought when yeah. The


Painting, what I thought of the painting, I was unfortunately very honest and said, um, it's crap.


<laugh> literally it's crap. It is still hanging in our house. Yes. Um, but not necessarily where Simon has to look at it every day, but yeah. Two of my failed attempts at romance. Yeah. Um, so,


You know, but those, those were good they're they were all foundational as, as a result of the artwork. We have, we finally found an artist that we enjoyed together. We've, you know, we've, we've,


We definitely tried to pick out the art together, you know, instead of me picking out something for us.


Yeah. I've only got one instance of failure.<laugh> uh, O only one instance that I can remember, uh, should I say, um, I had great plans for my proposal to Suzanne<laugh>. We had discussed the wedding band that she wanted. Um, she gave me very clear instructions that it was to be a princess cut diamond with two trillions on the side. The setting was to be classic, but not too ornate. Um, and it needed to look nice. Um, so


Yeah. Needed to look nice. Nice.<laugh> yeah. Right.


Nice. A nice, a nice ring. You didn't want an ugly ring, right? You went in a nice ring. Exactly. You, you didn't want a gold ring,


For example, I didn't. I needed what? Silver platinum. Yeah,


Exactly. So, so I had, I had these requirements for the ring and, uh, I thought, I, I need to come up with some awesome way of proposing that will match this wonderful ring. I spent a long time coming up with the, the location that we would be, that I would be proposing how I would be proposing. And it was all laid out and everything was cast in stone right up until the moment where I actually had the rig in my hands. And that point, uh, I was, it was a compulsion that I had to give you the ring as quickly as humanly possible. What I didn't know on this particular day was that it was the end of Suzanne's year end as a sales person. And she was


Just a little stressful.


Um, yeah. Uh, I was unaware of this and she was on a call. I think she was getting some bad news from, from the company as well. Uh, at this


Particular you kept popping in and trying to interrupt me.


Yeah. I kept, I kept jumping her late. Are you off the phone yet? And she kept shooing me away. Like, no, no. Yeah, go away, go away. And I kept going back and like, oh my God. I, I, I just was so Dr.<laugh> so compelled to, to propose to you. I, I I've never felt anything like it, but then finally I heard you got off the phone. So I, I jumped around the corner and you were like, you, you swore at me,


I go for blank sake. What do you want? Yeah.


So I got on my knees and proposed immediately in the office with the ring day of


The day of, and I, well, I was surprised by, by for any stretch of the imagination. I was surprised.


Never expected that one. Huh.


But no, no, not at that timing. Um, I did say yes obviously, but, um, it could have been a little more romantic and timing could have been slightly better, but it was yeah.<laugh> yeah, I will. Yeah. For, for Fs sake, what do you want is how he got his yeah. Start to his proposal.<laugh><laugh>


At that point I was committed.


Yes, for sure.


Okay. Did we let these failures beat us? No. We kept trying to make the other person as happy as they could be. It's not always successful, but it shows that we care. Right. For sure. Yeah. So, okay. Well, let's talk about the, the romantic things for, uh, this episode, the first of which was, uh, I found very enjoyable, uh, which is take your partner camping.


Yes. Uh, which is something we actually do quite a bit, but mm-hmm<affirmative>, it was nice to get away for sure.


Wow. Twice a year.


Twice a year. Yeah. Real camping. Yeah. Right. Yeah. We're<laugh> stay multiple days. Yes. And it was great. Yeah. That was fun.


Yeah. Um, this time we went with, uh, friends, Ray and Aaron, we had good time. We had a, a fire pit with us. So we had some, some somewhere to sort of huddle around in the evening. Uh, that was fun. Good food.


Yep. Everything was good.


Uh, we, uh, also brought our cats with us on


Particular. We did bring our cats with us. They have their own little camping tent. Yes. That they stay in.


Yes. One of our cats isn't feeling too well at the moment. So she's getting semi-regular injections, so we couldn't afford to leave her behind with somebody else. So we had to bring her with her. So, um, we took our cats camping for the first time and, uh, it's definitely doable. Um, it's doable.<laugh> and I, I believe they enjoyed it once they got over the initial, what on earth are we doing here? Kind of reaction. Exactly. Um, but yeah, that was good. It was nice. Uh, like I say, Huling around the fire, but then coming back to the, the sleeping and being able to snuggle with you yep. Was, was nice


For sure. Yeah.


We've also got number two, when you see your partner at a distance, blow them a kiss,


Which is always nice. You know, it's just a little romantic thing.


Exactly. And this is a, a nice one. This is a, you know, zero effort, zero cost.


Uh, I always a good thing. Super easy.


Yeah. Um,


Do it often.


I, I, I, I need to do it more often. Um, cuz it is a nice, simple gesture that does so well. Um, and then we had some fun with number three, um, take new headshot of each other.


I would not probably use this as a professional headshot. Well, I thought yours was much better than mine, but


Okay. I didn't see them. You didn't send me the pictures.


Well, of course, because they weren't that good.<laugh><laugh> but we did it. So what


Are you saying?


Yeah, yours was good.


I thought, I thought the pictures I took of you were good. Mm-hmm<affirmative> yeah. I can tell you're not,


I must, I need some more Photoshopping. I think<laugh>


No, there's there's no Photoshopping. I I'm not paying for the subscription.


Okay. All right. You get what you get, what world?


Yeah, exactly. Okay. So then we had just recently, uh, I was in the UK, um, for my brother's wedding, um, which was great fun and congratulations again, Mitchell and Zoe, we had, uh, we had some good times and it was an opportunity to do number four, which is take them to visit your hometown. And in that case, for me, it was a village, um, somewhere between maiden head and SL in the United Kingdom called Burnham. Very cute. Um, yeah, it's a village, a lovely little village. Um, I was showing Suzanne all the places I used to go hang out and where I, where I worked,


Where you got into trouble.


Yeah, basically. Yeah. Um, uh, that's where it all started and uh, we had some great food. The, the peppers Indian cuisine on the Burnham high street, they have the most amazing GL and chicken.


What do you? Butter chicken. Oh yeah. Butter chicken. Uh, so for me Indian food is the best in England. I don't know. It's just delicious there. So I was happy to have Indian food for sure.


Yeah. Um, it was very good. Uh, I, I must admit I do. I do enjoy the Indian food in the UK. Um, I'm not sure what it is. That's different, but that definitely seems to be<laugh>


Some kind of spices


Are different. Yeah. Some different


The water. I don't know


Something. Yeah. I'm not sure what it is, but


Maybe it's like Guinness, you know,<laugh> you have to have the right water.


Exactly. But yeah. So those a good chance to see


Family. First time family's been together in 10 years. All of us


Was it really? 10 years. Mm-hmm<affirmative> wow. Yeah. So that was, that was good. Fun. Yeah. The, the wedding was, uh, an excellent event. Uh, it was good to see everybody there together. Yeah. It, it makes me proud to see my family and see what they've, what they've grown up into over these past years while I've been away.


Yeah. Cuz you're the oldest.


Yeah, exactly.<laugh> all right. So let's move on to number five. This one was really hard. Be a good listener. Put down the phone, pause the TV and look them in the eyes


You did this,


Right. Exactly. Yeah. Um, so I tried very hard to do this, but the only thing I didn't do is pause the TV, but I have,


Yeah, it's a tough one. PAing that


TV? Yeah. The TV, the big, the big eye in the, in the wall. Um, yeah, I can't, I dunno. Uh, there weren't any, I don't think there were any instances where we talked during a show that would've warranted pausing it. Yeah. But,


Well, I guess the intent was there. I did not notice this one. So you may have to try it again.


Yeah. I, I, I'm not surprised you didn't because I, I, I was very mindful of it while I was trying to do it because


Look at me, I'm trying to<laugh>. Yeah. That would


Not. But notice this small gesture I'm making where I'm putting my phone down. I, I, I, I, I, it's one where I don't think you would ever pick up on it. So I don't think it's one that


Maybe at like a restaurant or something where we tend to be on our devices. Maybe that I would notice you putting your phone down and not picking it up. Right. That might be a better versus when I'm being entertained by TV.


Um, yeah. Or, or just in, in and around the house when, when we were, uh, talking or, or just working. Um, yeah. I, I, I was putting it down, but again, it's, it's only a gesture. Like I say, I think I would've noticed not necessarily you. Yeah. Um, but it allowed me to focus more on what you were saying when you did answer, asked the question or said something. So, I mean, I was able to focus a little bit more, even if you couldn't tell that I


Okay. Well, that's, that's good. Perfect.


Yeah. So, all right. So, so of the five, which one? Uh, which one failed, which one was successful?


Uh, well, I would say the last one failed, cuz I didn't notice that you did it, but I, I do love the little blow a kiss. I think that's always a sweet little gesture. So that would be my number one, number


One. Okay. I, I, don't a give one second. All right. I think maybe should, uh, give some of these things to try, um, and get back to us, uh, at romantic things,


That's romantic things. App


Don't forget to let people know what you think about this, uh, the podcast and


Yeah, please share it, share it, let everybody know. And uh, don't forget to be romantic.



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