Romantic Things

Our favorite romantic movies

Simon Davison and Suzanne Davison Season 1 Episode 8

Suzanne and Simon discuss their favorite romantic movies and go through the episode's list of romantic gestures. For one romantic thing, Simon needs more patience. 

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In this episode, we talk about our favorite romantic movies and Simon needs to learn some patience.


Hi, I'm Simon Davison


And this is Suzanne Davison


And this is the romantic things podcast. Let's talk about the app status. Um, because for a long time we've been talking about actually releasing the app and, uh, it's finally happened. Um, we got approval. Yay. Yeah, we got approval from apple and we are now live in the app store. So


Third times a charm submitted it three times finally at


0.3. Um, yeah, but from what I understand, it could be much worse, so, uh, I'm not gonna complain. So if you are, uh, interested in the romantic things app that I've been using to woo Suzanne, these past few weeks go to the app store and search for romantic things there, you'll be able to find the familiar logo and download the app. Um, you can also try going through our website, which is That's romantic dash, the word


Yeah. And so should we tell'em how it works or so you log in, you, you answer a few questions and then set up how many times you want to be reminded. Um, and then you're off to the races. You get your, your first few romantic things.


Yeah, exactly. All for$6 for the year.


So yeah, for an entire year of romance,




Pretty good.$5 and 99 cents.


Amazing deal.


<laugh> it's amazing deal.


Okay. Well, like for this episode, we're gonna talk about, uh, some of our favorite movies, um, the movies, or at least not just favorite movies, but our favorite movies with romance and love you. Aren't exactly a big movie person or at least not like myself and my


Family. Well, I am a big, I like to watch movies, but I am not the person that can remember who all the actors are and quote movies got it, or anything like that. But I do obviously enjoy my movies.


Okay. So which ones do you


Have? Well, since I'm not the best one, I'm going with my favorite movie, which is money pit. Ah, and that is probably the one movie that I actually can quote it's two weeks. It's two weeks. That is the one with Tom Hanks and Shelly long, uh, who are Walter and Anna. And my favorite part. I mean, it's kind of a, you know, they break up, so, but then they get back together in the end. But my favorite piece is when that, um, the bathtub falls through<laugh>, uh, anyway, but it is true love in the end and they all, they get back together and


Yeah, I do like, uh, the money, but it's a great example of love.




Well, any anyone, that's,


It's a great example of anybody who's tried to redo a house<laugh> and stayed together afterwards.


Yeah. The, the remodeling process is a stressful experience for sure. Well, let's see for me, um, one of my I'm actually gonna list no, I'm gonna start with true romance. Um, so true romance was written by Quinton Tarantino, um, stars, Christian Slater, and Patricia ake as Clarence and Alabama. Um, I like this one a lot. This, this resonated with me because, uh, his character is a comic bookstore owner and, uh, at the time comics weren't as cool as they are now. So it was very rare to see somebody owning a comic bookstore show, uh, shown in a positive light. So mm-hmm<affirmative> so that was, that was great. But if, if you enjoy, uh, a lot of violence and romance, true


Romance, those two go together<laugh>


Yeah. True romance is, is a fantastic film for, uh, uh, for love and action. Okay. So what else do you


Have? I probably have two more and I'm, I think I'm just super predictable on these pretty woman. Mm-hmm<affirmative> with, uh, Richard gear and Julia Roberts who are Edward and Vivian, who is, uh, street Walker, I guess<laugh> we could say. Um, and, uh, he ends up, uh, hiring her for a week, so he doesn't have to deal with any of the other ladies that are around, um, and ends up falling in love. And you know, me, I love my happy endings. Mm-hmm


Uh, pretty woman definitely has a happy


Ending. Oh, for sure. Oh, even, you know, the boombox on us.<laugh>


Not saying anything. Oh, he,




But no, I get your point. He, he, I, I believe he, uh, arrives in his limousine with flowers at the bottom of the stairs


Outside. So you've already mixed up all my romantic movies.<laugh> I have no idea which ones, which they all just love and love.


Yeah. You know, so, uh, so another one of mine is, uh, the wedding singer. Um, the,




Uh, I'm not, I'm not a huge Adam Sandler fan, but the wedding singer withdrew Barrymore was I, I think one of the, one of the funniest movies I I've seen in a long time, the romance between the two characters, Robbie and Julia I thought was pretty, pretty genuine. It was clearly a well written script and loads of great pop culture references throughout the third movie. So, um, yeah, the wedding singer probably be mine.


I gotta end because you know how I love my Christmas movies. So this is gonna be predictable to everyone, but love actually, uh, with Hugh grant. And what's her name?


Mar Martin McCleon,


Um, who he is the prime minister of England and his, a Natalie. Um, they, you know, it's all Christmas, very romantic, um, such a great story and, you know, funny, funny, and


Yeah, exactly. Uh, there's, there's a lot of great scenes with the, the car ride to the, to the theater, uh, for the kid show. Yeah. With the kid dressed as an octopus,<laugh> for the, for the nativity<laugh>


And all nativities have octopus, a gum,


For sure. Yeah. That, that was great. I've got a couple, um, which are time travel related, which is,


Um, also super romantic. Yeah,




You can tell the difference of our<laugh> that styles I'm I think traditional romance and then Simon is no, I, I, I guess another kind of romance


<laugh> no. So, so hear me out, hear me out. So there's a movie called about time with Rachel McAdams and Dom Gleason. Uh, and the, the story is he has the ability or his family or the men in his family have the ability to move through time, but only in relation to his own life itself. So he can't influence time outside of his life, but he can influence anything that interacts with his life. So he goes through the process of trying to win over Rachel McAdams, since there's a long series of him trying to impress her throughout the movie, I thought it was pretty good.


Hmm. So he gets to try over and over and over again.


Yeah, exactly. So he keeps messing up because he up going back and trying and trying until he gets it exactly right. Hmm. Lots of small gestures, so


Mm. Which we say exactly. Lots of small gestures or something every day.


Yeah, indeed. So, so there's that, and then there's also back to the future


<laugh> well, of course there


ISRA Banes and George McFly. So the whole movie was, uh, was ultimately about their first kiss. Um, Marty McFly had to make sure that they kissed, um, and spent the rest of their lives together. That one's, uh, a good one for me because it's George trying to get his girl.


Yeah. And, uh, I mean, those, aren't your traditional chick flicks. And so that's, that's good that you have your own romance movies.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean


Something for everyone on that


One. There are, there are others that I like as well. I mean, I'm, I like pray to prejudice, big fan of Shakespeare in love. Um, you shape of water, although it must have been shape of water was more about the director and the Doug Jones, but<laugh>, um, I'm a big, uh, Deltoro fan, but, uh, yeah. Uh, I, I, I enjoy my romance movies, but, uh, uh, I, I have to be in the right frame of mind to watch a romance movie.


So those are some of our favorite romantic movies that,


Yeah. If you've got some interesting romantic movies that you'd like to tell us about, you can, uh, send us an email to a romantic things Um, we'd love to know what movies you think. Uh, we should include in our list. Why don't we get'em with, uh, the romantic things for this episode, the first one was making dinner together. Um, we did this over the weekend. Uh, we had noodles and chicken.


Uh, the act of making dinner was great, but the meal was awful.


Yeah. Yeah.


<laugh> and we followed the recipe and it just was not, it was a flop.


Yeah. It was not good. Um, yeah. I was hoping cuz the meal went so you're right. The, the actual making of the meal went so well,


Sous chefing and


Yeah. Yeah. We, we were, we were in sync. Um, you were chopping everything I needed and had it ready for me to go in the pan. Um, yeah, everything was in sync, but when it came to the actual taste itself, it was




It was a bit bland and good.


Yeah. Not good, but we did make dinner together,


But we did, we did make dinner together while it was fun to do the activity together. I think I prefer cooking alone.


<laugh> I knew you were gonna say that cause what you get your rhythm of cooking and then other person just kind of gets in the way and you're like, wait, I don't wanna do that right now. No, wait. No.


Well for me it's for, so what are you doing and what am I doing?<laugh> are you doing this bit? Am I doing this bit? So it just adds a lot of questions rather than just getting on with it kind of thing. So


You also like to prep everything before you start a meal. Yeah. And because you were doing it together, there was no, you, you didn't get your things prepped.


Yeah. I like how you like'em yeah. I, I, I start cooking a meal like an hour before cooking the meal kind of thing, getting pans out and knives out.


<laugh><laugh> you do have your way of cooking.




I do. Which is fine with me. Yeah.




Love your cooking. Keep


It up. Yeah, exactly. Okay. So the, uh, so one of the other romantic gestures, which is a nice free zero effort gesture was opening the door for you. Unfortunately we didn't go out so much, so I didn't get into great many opportunities to open the door for you, but


We went to dinner.


Yeah. Um, but yeah, these are the small gestures which would need, need to be repeated. Yeah. When you get the opportunity to do them anyway, kind of thing. So I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to do


That. We did go to dinner and you did open the door for me.


Yeah, exactly. Okay. So wonder I, I had to set myself a reminder for cuz in, in the morning my brain doesn't function. Um, exactly the way I'd like it to<laugh> um, not until I've had, I've had people.


Yeah. Most people brains don't function in


The morning. Um, but the romantic gesture is, or the romantic thing is say, I love you when you wake up in the morning,


Which is, this is, you know, this is, I definitely realized that you were doing this because I get up before you. Yeah. So you literally had to come into my office and say, I love you<laugh> every morning. So it definitely, I did real. I was like, what is going on? But I realized that this was something that you were trying to do. Yeah. Um, the easy free mm-hmm<affirmative> somewhat effortless.


Yeah. I mean, how did it feel getting, and I love you in the morning because typically the, I love yous come the second half of the day. Not the beginning of the day, so, well,


It's a nice way to start your morning. Yeah. Yeah.


The fourth thing that we did this for this episode is have dinner and drinks with friends that are dating or married. Um, we had, uh, a great day with, uh, friends, Sarah and Dan. Uh, yeah. We had a day at the pool. We had Bob




We had some drinks. Yep. Um, it was, uh, it was


Bonfire. Yeah. So it was all good.


Yeah. Fire pit. Yeah. We had, we had a, a nice, nice long day. It was uh, yeah. Started to and ended around midnight. Yeah. So like those days


We had a good time.


Yeah, absolutely. And then the last one. Yeah. So


<laugh> ask your, you can tell how much he loved it.<laugh>


Ask your partner. If there's anything you can do, if, sorry, let me start again, ask your partner. If there's anything that you do that annoys them, then do your best to work on correcting that problem. So apparently I need to work on my patients.<laugh> uh, and I, I will admit that I can, I do have a little bit of a short fuse. I don't like waiting for things.


Um, if things don't go perfectly, he, uh, yeah. Uh, has issues. Yeah. So being a little more Zen, having some patience sometimes okay. Is not necessarily annoying, but just something you should do.<laugh>


Okay. I'll work on. I'll work on doing that. I've I I've been trying over the past few days, uh, but there's not big, great opportunities to show my, my, my newfound Zen, this


Your newfound zens. Well, just keep working on it. Cuz that would be awesome.


<laugh> don't worry. Uh, I've got this covered.


Okay, good.


Yeah. Uh, I will be more relaxed and uh, I will let things go late and<laugh> uh,


Be more patient


Be more patient that's. Right. Exactly. Okay. So what do you think of this? Week's romantic things. What, what, what were the, what was the hit? What was the miss?


Um, the say I love you in the morning. That was the hit. Very nice. That's the hit. Okay. Yeah. And I guess the flop, just because the meal was so gross and was that meal, we're both like, Ugh. You're like, what do you think of this? And I'm like, it's gross.


<laugh> made with love.<laugh> yeah. Absolutely


Made with love, but it's disgusting.


So yeah, I think people should give some of the romantic things we've uh, tried this week, uh, a try themselves. Um, let us know how they go.


Yep. And if you have a chance or want to download the app from the apple store, um, and get started on your romantic things and don't forget to be romantic.



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