Romantic Things

Romantic Destinations

Simon Davison and Suzanne Davison Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode, Suzanne and Simon discuss romantic destinations around the world and share the romantic gestures the app has suggested to them.

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In this episode, we talk about romantic trips and locations, and Simon has to imagine life without me.


Hi, welcome to romantic things. I'm Simon Davison


and I'm Suzanne Davison.


Let's talk about the most important thing, which is the status of the app.<laugh>


Yes. Let it talk about the status


Of the app. The app is still live and, uh, is being downloaded by, uh, hundreds of people at the moment, things aren't going incredibly well. So thank you for all the people which have been downloading the app. I hope you've been enjoying it. Um, if you have any feedback, there's, uh, an option in the app to be able to send, uh, feedback, um,


And suggestions for, for romantic things to add to the app.


Absolutely. Would love to see and, uh, get that feedback. So yeah. Things are going well. Yeah. So if you want to download the app, it's available on the us app store,


Get us apple, apple, apple app store.






Yeah. Just search for romantic things. Okay. Romantic locations and trips. Um, when we think of romantic locations, I think there's one location that most people think of and that's Paris, France, right? Mm.


The most romantic city in the world.


Right. Which I, I don't know. I, I don't think, I don't think Paris is the romantic most romantic city in the world, but then again, I'm British. So that's not quite that surprising.


Yes. You do somehow have a bias to Parisian, so some sort,


Um, yeah. But, uh, but we've not actually been together. I've been without you and you've been without me, right?


Yep. Yep. For sure. So we haven't actually experienced France or I'm sorry, Paris as a couple to know whether or not it's romantic.


Exactly. But what was your take on it from, uh, visitor's perspective? Did it seem, because even, even alone, you're aware of its reputation as that romantic city. So what did you think of,


You know, we were there kind of on a short period of time. So we were trying to cram in as much of the culture as possible. Okay. Um, but you know, they have all the little bistros and things like that that I could totally see. And of course the Eiffel tower, I mean, how many people get engaged on the top of the Eiffel tower? I mean, there's a lot to be said about that city.


Yeah. I think that's fair. I mean, it is, it is an old city, there are lots of quaint places. Uh, I would love Paris, uh, a lot more


If you were with me,


Maybe. So<laugh>, uh, maybe that's what I need. Maybe, uh, maybe my opinions of Paris would change with you by my side. Um, maybe we just need to get an apartment in Paris for a weekend and see


Yeah. Do you live in Airbnb or something? Yeah. Yeah.


Okay. So another romantic location is watching a sunset over Santorini, Greece. Um, and this is something which has been, uh, popular for hundreds, if not thousands of years,<laugh>


It is an old city.


Yeah. Um, and for those that aren't familiar, Santorini is it's a, uh, old city, but it's built on the rim of, of an, of a once exploded volcano. Uh it's uh, yeah. It's, uh, a very impressive<laugh> set of islands. It's not only you it's, you only kind of get the, uh, the scale of the destruction when you see it from, from the air. But, um, it's, uh, a impressive, an impressive site. And they've, they've found a lot of, uh, ancient ruins there from the, uh, the time of the eruption. So it's, uh,


Yeah. And we just had some friends that went yeah. And they just said it was amazing and, uh, just a really great place to go. So


It's a very striking view, like brilliant white buildings with bright blue domed roofs. I mean, it's, it's very, it's, it's a beautiful


Place. It's, it's the picture of Greece that you see in all of the<laugh> in all pictures, right?


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if it's not the Pantheon then yeah. You're, you're, you're typically looking at, uh, an image of Santa Reini as, as an example of what Greece is like for sure. Um, and then in it, in a similar neck of the woods, uh, the Mediterranean you've got, you've got Italy and a gondola ride in Venice. Right. Mm-hmm


<affirmative> so the closest that I have done that is in Las Vegas<laugh> um, I don't think it's quite the same. Yeah. That gondola ride is probably not the same as what you would get in the city of Venice.


I'm sure. The gondola, uh, uh, drivers, or what are they called? Are they drivers? Are they boat masters? What are they,


You're looking at the wrong person to provide that information to you?


Okay. Yeah. Okay.


Well, we, we should probably look that up for next time and be like, yeah,<laugh> the, the boat driver, we'll call him the boat driver. Now


The I'm saying Gond driver.




I'm sure the go of drivers in Italy, don't appreciate being compared to Las Vegas,


Like an Uber driver, you know, exactly. They're probably not the same.


Yeah. Little bit more credibility in Italy than there is in the Las Vegas, another nice option, romantic option and something which is kind of featured in a couple of Hollywood movies is the idea of a cottage in England's countryside. Uh, usually the Southern coast of England, there are some beautiful homes in, in the, the, the Southern counties of England. Um, and I would, I would happily retire in that area. They're very, very nice. Mm. Um, if you're into old buildings to boom support wifi and<laugh>,


Don't, don't have running water, um, no dishwashers, um, no, there's no, no, but you know that area and just the concept of something, a little cottage in a little village. Yeah. Um, you know, with one pub or two pubs and everybody knows each other, I think is, you know, super cute and would be romantic for sure. Yeah.


Um, I think so. Um, and then there's the, the European equivalent, um, which is the cabin in the Alps somewhere. Um, uh, you know, the Alps encompasses Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Stein, Monaco, Lavenia, and Switzerland. So you've got a few countries to choose from as far as where you can go and, uh, and, and, and check things out. But the French helps are probably the most romantic by reputation just cause it's reputation France. Um,


Yeah. I've been, um, and visit, well, see them from Switzerland and Austria oh, Swiss house. But that is my extent. And I never got to do the Chale sitting by the fire with Coco or anything like that. So there there's a lot of opportunity for us to go traveling and do some of these romantic ventures. Well, the great thing adventures,


The great thing is all of these locations and all of these trips are featured in the romantic things app. So at some point these will come up as suggestions for us for romantic things. So once they do, we can schedule a time and we can go and do it.


Yes. That will be fun. We probably both need to like retire and win the lottery, but, um, it should fit those all in, but it sounds amazing.


Yeah. And then for, for the American audience, uh, probably a little bit cheaper is some of the mountain ranges within the us. And there are plenty of those where you can get, um, a nice ski lease cabin or a winter cabin for the, for the, uh, for the evening or for a week and have a nice romantic weekend with your partner.


Yeah. Ours, the closest would be lake Tahoe, obviously.


Yeah. Um, and we've done a few ski leases there where there are some great places you can get. Yep. Um, which would be awesome to


Well, and even the, you know, some of the places that are right on the mountains, like, you know, north star or Squaw where you can stay right there, you know, those would be fun.


Absolutely. Absolutely. So there are some great opportunities there, so yeah. So those are the op those are the opportunities, uh, that we've, uh, we've got within the app. There are a few others that we haven't covered here, obviously.


Um, well, and these are all high dollar ones, so, so there's a other ones that are less, much less expensive.


Exactly. Exactly. These are, these are the dream destinations, the most romantic locations, uh, and trips, um, that we could think of. There are those that will argue that, uh, kissing on the beach on boa boa is, is another one, which


Well, but, and then, you know, one of our favorites that you did, it wasn't even on your list, but Hawaii in Hawaii, mm-hmm<affirmative> is one of our favorite places. Right. Um, to make, you know, for romance and just beauty. And, you know, all this stuff around in Hawaii is just awesome.


Plus it's where they film Jurassic


Park and they film Jurassic park. There many movies, there


Actually many, many movies, a lot of movies there. Um, yeah, exactly. So, um, okay, well, let's move on to the romantic things from this week, uh, which actually features one from yourself. Mine.


I used my app and I have a romantic


Thing. I know, well, let's get to that next. But first my romantic thing was make the bed for your partner, which is a little bit, uh, I, I, I do this anyway because I get up last<laugh>


I was gonna say<laugh> um, I was gonna say, I, um, notice that you did it, but you do it all the time because I do get up first, but we do. I mean, for me, uh, just getting back into bed at a made bed, uh, just feels like I'm ended the day or, you know, starting the day, you know? Right, right. Good things. So I, I love this. This is one of my things that I ask to happen.




Made bed freshly made bed. Yes.


I think that's a reasonable enough ask. I mean, otherwise it's just kind of a bunch of blankets in a pile on the bed, right?


Yeah, exactly.


This kid's gotta look like a bed.


It does.<laugh>


Okay. So, uh, let's talk about number two, yours.


Number two, mine was watch a sunset together. Mm. Um, and we did this, we were in the RV and we went to do some olive oil tasting, um, down closer to, um, SANOS Sano, but amazing sunset. We were up kind of in the Hills and we could just see the sky go from, you know, yellow to pink. Oh. It was just absolutely beautiful. So, um, it was lovely. Drink some wine and had some fun do that was another thing<laugh>


That was right. We had fun do. That was, that was very good. Uh, we might have to do fun more often in, in the army. That was fun. Yeah,


Exactly. It was relatively easy to do as well. Yeah,




So that was mine. What did you think?


I, I thought it was good. Um, uh, it was a good sunset. Um, it's a nice location. Um, so yeah, I think, I think that was romantic. The fun do helped. Yeah.


Just filled your belly full of very


Much. Exactly. Um, you know, it's definitely one of the ways to my heart. That's too fast now. I


<laugh><laugh>. That's good.


Um, so, okay, so let's move on to number three, make it clear. You are proud to be with them. I tried to do this as much as possible, but it is always something I feel like I could be doing more of Suzanne as well as being a world class podcaster.<laugh> oh, my God is also, uh, a, a successful VP at a medical company. Um, and very busy, um, to boot. So I'm, I'm pleased. She shares her valuable time, spare time with me, because otherwise it would make this podcast a lot harder to do


Without. Yeah. Okay. Well, thank you, man. That's, that's very nice of you,


But I am most definitely proud of you. Let's see. Uh, let's move on to number four. Try. Yeah. So this one, this one bummed me out. This one, uh, uh, I guess the intention is to, to learn the value of, of what, of what you have by simulating the loss of that thing. So


To how good you have it until it's gone.


Exactly.<laugh> was the Cinderella song. Dunno what you got until it's gone. Yeah, exactly. Tell


You don't want me to sing that? No,


Please. Don't


<laugh> he was really high. Like he had a very high voice,


You sure did. Okay. Anyway, uh, try to imagine your life without your partner. Um, and yeah, like I say, it, it kind of bummed me out. I, I was like, I, I get the point of the exercise. Um, but uh, you, it made me realize that, uh, I don't ever want to go through a, a divorce or death would be like a BU a true bummer as well.


Well, good. I don't, I either, so we're on a good path.<laugh>


Um, so,


But I do think it's, it's, you know, don't take'em for granted, I think is what they're trying to say is don't, you know, appreciate what they do. Don't take'em for granted cuz you know, just even being away for a weekend or you know, having to make dinner or make your own dinner or do you wash or, you know, whatever it might be. Right. But it's that, it's not that the loss of me together, but it's just recognizing what we do for each other.


Right, exactly. So the fifth was, uh, a movie, uh, that came up on my list, uh, quite randomly. Um, and then as it happens, uh, a few days later we actually watched the movie, um, which, uh, I didn't really plan to do, but there's a, uh, the movie that was suggested, um, is a musical called across the universe.


It is, is such a great movie.


It is a good


Movie. Well, especially, well you love the Beatles mm-hmm<affirmative> but it's not about the Beatles. No, it's just using repurposing Beatles songs, right. To tell a story and it's just so amazing. The movie is so great.


Yeah. Um, yeah, it's a, a love story set in the sixties. Um, so he covers the sort of turbulent times of, you know, the civil rights movements during those times. Um, but uh, yeah, features a really talented cast. Um, it's got appearances by Joe Cocker and uh, bono from YouTube,




Isard and Eddie Isard. Yeah. Um, yeah, it's a great, uh, movie for couples. Um, uh, as you say, I'm a big Beatles fan. So for me, I was really, uh, I was initially very obsessed by the music and uh, what they did to a few of the songs, but the, the love story comes through, you know, quite strongly in the, in the story of the movie. Right. So,


And it's just really cool how they use, you know, some of the names of the characters or from the songs and you know, how they, how they bring it all together. It's a great movie.


Yeah, yeah. It is. It is. So, yeah. So that's the, the last of the, uh, romantic things that we worked on for this episode, um, we hope that you try some of these things and let us know how they go. Um, we're always pleased to get your,


That's romantic things, app


Send us your feedback. We love to hear from you


And don't forget to be romantic.

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